For Girls

I wrote this for a girl in my class who said I was pretty. I said she was too but like many girls she disagreed with me. I knew there was no use trying to convince her so I wrote this and emailed it to her:

You are pretty. Very pretty. Beautiful! After you complemented me I looked at your face and thought how pretty your face was. I don’t know, it was something about your freckles. AND you’re skinny and fit. My dad asked someone if you could run and he said “Yea she can run, She fly’s!” Just learn to respect that girl you are. She’s Beautiful.

The part I like most is the last part, “Just learn to respect that girl you are. She’s Beautiful.” So many girls need to know this. They want to think they’re pretty, but they’re afraid they’re not good enough for the world. My parents have blessed me. Not only am I pretty, I know I’m pretty. I’m not trying to be vain but when you know you’re pretty and you know God knows you’re pretty, you don’t have to worry about presenting yourself to the world.

After all, the world doesn’t always judge fairly.



    1. Mommies are not always right. There’s been a few times I’ve proved you wrong. And as for this great amount of wisdom I have? Ask God. He’ll tell you exactly were it’s from.


  1. You go girl! However, I would add that “beauty” trumps “pretty.” When you have Jesus in your heart, His beauty shines out not only in your appearance but also in your actions and words as well. I have some girls on my school bus that would be called “pretty” or “beautiful” by most people who just look at them. But when I hear them talk and see some of the things they do, I realize that they are really “ugly” inside. In contrast there are other girls who may not be “pretty” in some people’s eyes but they are really “beautiful”. I Samuel 16:7 says “the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” A wise person is one who learns not only to look at the outward appearance when looking at a person. Papaw


  2. “I’m not trying to be vain but when you know you’re pretty and you know God knows you’re pretty, you don’t have to worry about presenting yourself to the world. After all, the world doesn’t always judge fairly.”

    I love that you know this at this age. I’m still learning it. I hope you have lots of blog readers because you have much wisdom to share.


  3. Reblogged this on thoughts from the green room and commented:
    Just have to share an “I did something right” moment. Aren’t those the best? (And more fun to read about than failure moments….)

    Being a girl is hard.

    From the very beginning of this daughter-raising journey, one of my goals has been to raise girls who feel pretty without obsessing about it. I’m not sure I believed I could actually do this. After all, how many young girls do you know who actually believe they’re beautiful? I haven’t met many women who have a balanced view of their own beauty. We tend to view ourselves so negatively.

    And here’s my 12-year-old, writing from her beautiful heart.

    One parenting goal…. accomplished.


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